
Spelstegen VT25 info

Please find the detailed schedule for your group in one of sheets in this document.
Matches will be played between 11.00 – 14.00 on courts 10-12 on the following Saturdays:

  • February 15
  • March 15
  • April 5
  • May 5
  • May 25

** End date, last chance to play any unfinished matches: June 1st **

Thanks to everyone that gave feedback! Given that feedback, here are the new rules for VT25:

No printed version this time: Report the score yourselves in this document, in the respective sheet for your group.
You are expected to show up at your scheduled time! If you cannot make it, contact your opponents well in advance to reschedule to some other time that suits you (see sheet ”contacts”).
If your opponents don’t show up, and did not contact you well in advance, you automatically win by walk-over.
If the game has not been played at the end of VT25, the last one to reschedule loses by walk-over.
If no result is listed in the sheet at the end date, ”Competitor 2” wins by walk-over.

Matches have been assigned 30 minutes each. To keep schedule, use the time solely for the match — warm up before your slot, somewhere else.
On these dates, court 10-12 are reserved for Spelstegen between 11.00-13.00, and court 10 between 13:00 and 14:00.
Please help to spread the word to non-participants, which might find it more difficult than usual finding available courts.
I hope we can be flexible and make this work together without fighting over courts!

Matches are played in best of 3 sets to 21. XD pairs and women in singles can start with 7-0, if they want to 🙂